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Setting up the FrSky D4R-II Radio Receiver

We use the FrSky D4R-II Radio Receiver and bind it to the FrSky Taranis X9D Plus digital Telemetry Radio system (our transmitter).


Instructional Video

The instructions for setting up the receiver and binding it to the transmitter are based on the instructional video How To Bind FrSky D4R-II Receiver. Note that we will be using PPM mode.


  1. Connect signal pins for channels 3 and 4 using jumper to put receiver in PPM mode.
  2. Connect the 3 wire servo cable to receiver channel 1 and plug this into the PPM RC port on the Pixhawk 4.
  3. Check the status lights on the D4R-II to determine if the receiver is powered on and bound.
    1. A blinking red light indicates it is receiving power, but is not bound. Power on the transmitter and, if still red, see binding instructions below.
    2. A solid green light indicates power and proper binding.
    3. Solid green and red lights indicates firmware incompatibilities between receiver and transmitter.

Binding to Transmitter

  1. Power on Taranis X9D Plus.
  2. [Menu] -> Model -> [PAGE]
    1. D8 Mode and CH1-8
  3. Select receiver bind option and press [ENT].
    1. The Taranis should start chirping.
  4. Hold down failsafe (F/S) button on D4R-II while applying power by connecting the Pixhawk 4 to USB.
  5. Wait until you see a solid green light and a blinking red light ton the D4R-II to release the F/S button.
  6. Power off Pixhawk 4 by unplugging from USB.
  7. Exit Bind mode on the transmitter and go to the home screen.
  8. Power on Pixhawk again and confirm there is only a solid green light on the D4R-II.

Calibrate the receiver / transmitter

In QGroundControl, just follow the instructions under the Radio tab.