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MAVROS usage is well documented and your priority should be to follow the official links / resources, especially as functionalities are updated.

Initial Installation

On the drone's companion computer (the NUC), install the ROS Noetic version of MAVROS, per the Binary installation instructions at MAVROS Binary Installation. At the time of writing this, the installation instructions are for ROS Kinetic, but the NUC should be running Ubuntu 20.04, so instead install the Noetic version with:

sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-mavros ros-noetic-mavros-extras

and follow the instructions for dependency installation.

Test the Installation

With the Pixhawk connected to the NUC, you should be able to test for successful installation by launching:

roslaunch mavros px4.launch fcu_url:=/dev/ttyUSB0:57600

Or, if reading from the microUSB port on the Pixhawk:

roslaunch mavros px4.launch fcu_url:=/dev/ttyACM0:57600

And listen to some relevant topics, e.g.:

  • rostopic echo /mavros/local_position/pose
  • rostopic echo /mavros/distance_sensor/hrlv_ez4_pub
  • rostopic echo /mavros/px4flow/raw/optical_flow_rad


NOTE: Only follow this section if attempting to use the FTDI cable to connect the Pixhawk to the NUC. See PX4 Companion Computer Hardware Setup. If flying with usb, change the CBRK_USB_CHK parameter to 197848 and you can use the microUSB port on the Pixhawk 4 to connect to the NUC.

When using the FTDI cable, it was necessary to change the rates at which messages come in. These are all added to /ROMFS/px4fmu_common/init.d-posix/rcS in our version of PX4 firmware, so it runs on Pixhawk boot. If you are not running our version, you will need to change them in QGroundControl every time the Pixhawk boots or make changes like those we have made to /ROMFS/px4fmu_common/init.d-posix/rcS.

The commands to change these message rates include, but are not limited to:

  • mavlink stream -r 500 -s POSITION_TARGET_LOCAL_NED -d /dev/ttyS1
  • mavlink stream -r 500 -s LOCAL_POSITION_NED -d /dev/ttyS1
  • mavlink stream -r 500 -s GLOBAL_POSITION_INT -d /dev/ttyS1
  • mavlink stream -r 500 -s ATTITUDE -d /dev/ttyS1
  • mavlink stream -r 500 -s ATTITUDE_QUATERNION -d /dev/ttyS1
  • mavlink stream -r 500 -s ATTITUDE_TARGET -d /dev/ttyS1
  • mavlink stream -r 500 -s SERVO_OUTPUT_RAW_0 -d /dev/ttyS1
  • mavlink stream -r 500 -s RC_CHANNELS -d /dev/ttyS1
  • mavlink stream -r 500 -s OPTICAL_FLOW_RAD -d /dev/ttyS1
  • mavlink stream -r 500 -s DISTANCE_SENSOR -d /dev/ttyS1


The ROS nodes required to run when flying are contained in dd2414_ros_companion_pc. Follow the instructions in the repo for setup.

  • uav.launch is the launch file that you use.
  • Set up a config folder like awesome_drone/ that uav.launch will call
  • You shouldn't need to change much if anything in here
  • is the 'fake mocap' that uses the distance sensor (TeraRanger) for z-axis estimates, but maps them through the MoCap position estimate topic
  • This was created because of z-axis drift issues when using the distance sensor directly with the Pixhawk.
    • This, we think, is because PX4 swaps to the barometer during periods of uncertainty when using the distance sensor and it doesn't do this when using 'external vision'