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Mechanical design

Mechanical design considerations.

The main objective of this project was to improve the existing drone platforms, with the following specs:

Exisitng Drone Specs Quadcopter Hexacopter
Wheelbase (mm) 260 290
Prop size (mm) * 153 127
Max width (mm) 370 420
Occupancy sphere radius 207 209
Empty Mass (g) 760 1376
Full Mass (TX2, 4000mAh LiPo) 1328 2026
Number Propellers 4 6
Minimum Thrust Ratio ( _ : 1 ) 2 2
Minimum Thrust per motor (g) 664 676
* Hexacopter uses three blade propellers

Starting with the frame, we decided upon a X body, as it is symmetric (pitch & roll), strong, compact and simple. Its natural symmetry is better for balancing flying forces. Considering as well the biggest element the drone carries (Intel NUC), the ideal dimensions were reduced to the following diagram.

Element Size(mm)
Wheelbase 380
Propeller 204
Drone Occupancy Radius 292
Drone Occupancy Diameter 584
Clearance 124

To determine the type of motors and size of the propellers, we took an estimate of the total mass that the drone had to lift, taking the following considerations:

Expected Mass Calculations - Fully Loaded
Component Component Mass (g) Count
Frame with landing gear 710 1
NUC 226 1
TX2 174 0
LiPo Battery (4000 mAh) 392 0
LiPo Battery (8500 mAh) 672 1
RealSense D435i 72 2
RealSense D455 120 0
RealSense L515 100 1
SunnySky X2216-7 1250 KV III 69 4
Low Level Hardware 445 1
Total 2573 N/A

Ideally we want to have a hovering lift force equal to the weight of the drone, that is a thrust ratio of 2:1. Hence, the maximum thrust we need to generate is 5146 g.

Thrust Calculations
Expected mass (g) 2573
Thrust ratio ( _ : 1 ) 2
Required Thrust (g) 5146
Motor Count 4
Minimum thrust per motor (g) 1287

For the actual drone frame, we chose the Q380 X frame due to the following useful features:

  • Complies with the 380-400 mm wheelbase size requirement
  • Glass filled nylon arms for increased strength and durability
  • Lightweight arm design
  • Integrated PDB for easy wiring and tidy installation
  • Increased internal space for additional electronics/equipment
  • Additional mounting holes for frame upgrades
  • Arguably the arm design allows for better CG

Landing Gear Design

As sudden drops and crashes are commonplace in drone research, it was desirable to have some level of shock absorption in the landing gear. This is to help protect the more critical components from damage during a crash landing.

To accomplish this, we designed and 3D printed custom landing gear with magnetic shock absorption. We split the landing gear into two primary components and embedded repelling magnets in each component. The lower component, which contacts the ground, is able to slide relative to the upper component, which connects rigidly to the drone frame.

With a tensile force 1.3 kg per magnet and 12 magnets pairs (3 per leg x 4 legs), the landing gear provides up to 31.2 kg of repelling force upon a crash.

This can be seen below in the gif demonstrating a static drop test from 50 cm on a hard tile floor.

Assembly and all components of the landing gear can be found at Assembly - Landing Gear